Thanks to the commitment of the Fashion Houses and relying on its team and experts, the FHCM provides support to its Members on many topics, within the framework of the Paris Fashion Week® and Haute Couture Week, the Emerging Brands Initiative, as well as through the Commissions bringing together its Members and the Professional Branch that it represents.
It also provides regular updates on key issues and news, especially on sustainable development, legislative and regulatory changes, and digital services. It offers training on major CSR issues (certifications, responsible sourcing, product life cycle analysis). It also informs its Members on a daily basis of new French and European legislative provisions and their implementation.
Representation and support
The Commissions are forums for reflection and exchange that regularly meet within a defined and programmed framework.
They establish synergies and recommend the implementation of innovative tools adapted to the new challenges that companies and professionals are facing.

- The Commission of Legal Affairs
The role of the Commission of Legal Affairs is to analyze cross-cutting issues related to, in particular, intellectual property, new technologies, corporate social and environmental responsibility as well as distribution law. Each year, a jurisprudence review of fashion and luxury law is presented to all members.
- The Social Commission
The Social Commission addresses social law issues specific to the fashion sector, and sets the employers' positions for discussions with the social partners within the Professional Joint Committee. Its expertise allows it to be at the forefront of constantly evolving issues such as diversity and inclusion (parity and professional equality, disability, etc.).
- The Training and Education Commission
The Training and Education Commission acts as a reference point for all matters relating to training and education and the evolution of the trades in the fashion industry. It regularly exchanges with the OPCO 2i on the existing employment, training and education measures available within the Couture Parisienne Professional Branch. It participates in actions to promote and make fashion professions more attractive, notably through the national campaign Savoir Pour Faire.
- The Innovation & Sustainability Commission
The Innovation & Sustainability Commission contributes to the development of initiatives, methods that are provided to Members, and standards that respect creativity, know-how and social responsibility. It identifies technological evolutions and their implications. It supports the Federation within the bodies in which it is involved at French and European levels
- The Couture Parisienne Professional Branch
The Couture Parisienne Professional Branch brings together a large number of Fashion Houses that are members of the FHCM Chambres Syndicales. It conducts the social dialogue with the representative trade unions within the National Joint Employment Commission (CPNE) and the Permanent Joint Negotiation and Interpretation Commission (CPPNI). The Branch's social agenda includes guaranteed minimum annual remuneration, professional equality, disability, professional classifications and training schemes.
Professional representation

As a professional organization, the FHCM actively participates in the professional fashion ecosystem and represents the interests of its Members to the French public authorities and European institutions on key issues such as training and education, sustainable development, social law, intellectual property and digital services.
The FHCM maintains a close relationship with the Institut Français de la Mode, which was formed in 2018 from the merger of the IFM and the Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, created in 1927 and sits at its Board of Directors with 6 representatives. It also represents its Members and promote their views and specificities within various professional organizations and bodies such as - the DEFI, the Institut Français du Textile et de l’Habillement, the Comité Stratégique de Filière Mode et Luxe, the OPCO 2i, the ANDAM, the International Fashion and Photography Festival of Hyères.
The FHCM also relies on the work and findings of its Commissions in order to develop policy recommendations and positions. It is actively involved in discussions on legislative and regulatory projects likely to have an impact on its Members, at both French and European levels, and supports their follow-up and implementation once they are adopted. For example, it takes part in discussions and experiments resulting from the Anti-Waste and Circular Economy (AGEC) and Climate and Resilience Laws. On behalf of its Members, it responds to public consultations published by the European Commission on issues impacting the fashion and luxury sector. It is a voting member of the Technical Secretariat of the organization that develops the environmental performance standard for Green Claims. In February 2023, the FHCM joined the European Fashion Alliance as a Founding Member in order to contribute to the development of a more sustainable and inclusive European fashion ecosystem.
SPHERE - Paris Fashion Week® Emerging Brands Initiative

SPHERE - Emerging Brands Initiative
In 2019, the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode introduced the SPHERE - Emerging Brands Initiative program to structure, coordinate and consolidate its actions to support the growth of eighty young brands identified as the most creative and talented of the world.
Each brand member of the SPHERE - Emerging Brands Initiative program benefits from the expertise of professionals partners of the FHCM, and from various support services in such fields as: financing, legal, digital, logistics, information systems, material sourcing and CSR.
In 2020, the FHCM also created the Emerging Brands Support Fund, dedicated to young brands based outside France, and financed by FHCM Members. This financial support comes in addition to that provided by LE DEFI to the FHCM for emerging French brands.
The SPHERE - Emerging Brands Initiative is supported by L'Oréal Paris, Official Partner of Paris Fashion Week®.
- Join SPHERE - Emerging Brands Initiative
SPHERE Emerging Brands Initiative welcomes brands from all over the world.
Candidate Houses must have been established for less than ten years; have a turnover of less than 5 million euros; have been selected as a Guest Member of the Official Calendars of Paris Fashion Week® and/or have won major international prizes.
SPHERE - Paris Fashion Week® Showroom
Every Paris Fashion Week®, the FHCM holds the SPHERE PFW® Showroom, providing a presentation and marketing space for a selection of young brands.
The SPHERE PFW® Showroom has a dual mission: to increase sales with major French and international physical and digital retailers while strengthening the visibility of emerging brands.
Professionals accredited by the FHCM are invited, including the most important buyers and the French and international press. The SPHERE PFW® Showroom benefits from the financial support of DEFI. L'Oréal Paris also provides support as an Official Partner.
Since 2021, the SPHERE PFW® Showroom is available in a digital version thanks to the support of professional partners allowing the marketing and the digitalization of the collections.