Digital PFW®: Pascal Morand & Michael Jaïs’ Discussion

Behind Digital Fashion Week, Pascal Morand & Michael Jaïs’ discussion
After one year of digital Fashion Weeks, Pascal Morand, the executive president of the French Federation of Haute Couture and Fashion, took stock in a heart-to-heart discussion with Michael Jaïs, CEO of Launchmetrics, the official partner of the FHCM for the digitalization of Paris Fashion Week.
More than $427M in cumulative MIV® for the year, 50,000 press posts and 173M cumulative views on broadcast platforms such as YouTube, Weibo, Tencent Video, Bilibili, and Wechat.
Although forced by the health situation, Paris Fashion Week’s move to go digital proved to be successful on all fronts. Not only did Paris have the highest attendance, but it was also an opportunity to open up this world to a non-professional audience. This year also allowed for increased creativity, said Pascal Morand, as brands and new designers had to compete with each other to attract their online audience. “Artistic creators quickly adapted to this new mechanism. They seized this constraint to turn it into an asset and make what I call augmented creativity, with new collaborations, great videographers, filmmakers,” said Pascal Morand.
An evolution in the way content is consumed has also been observed in general in the fashion industry but more specifically during Paris Fashion Week. Owned media (the brand’s own social networks) proved key to maintaining the connection with consumers and listeners. Traditional media on the other hand “didn’t really find their place in this digital ecosystem” said Michael Jaïs, and it lost ground to Celebrities and Influencers.
For more data on Paris Fashion Week, go here.